Bring your book to life by having your book narrated and made into an AudioBook for listeners across the world.
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Meet some of our Adult and Children Narrators from around the world…
Narrating in English • Afrikaans • Dutch
Narrated in English by Adults
|| 28 Narrators & 10 Accents
My mind was continuously blanking out every few minutes, so I was not allowed to leave my house unattended, nor was I allowed to drive at all. It was deemed illegal for me to drive because of my state. My mind was so bad that I would completely forget what I was doing or where I was, every few minutes, leaving me in a frightened and confused state. It also became exceptionally frustrating to deal with, especially when I tried to work. The blanking out of my mind became a far too regular occurrence. This became so bad that I had blanked out a total of two weeks from my memory and I would even forget who the people in my life were…
|| Excerpt from Leviathan Walks
Narrated in Afrikaans by Adults
|| 2 Narrators & 1 Accent
Ons is nie net erfgename nie; ons is mede-erfgename met Jesus Christus; wat kan beter wees as dit? Dit beteken: dit wat Jesus Christus kan doen kan ek ook doen, wat ook al Jesus Christus besit, besit ek. Terwyl ek die boek deurgewerk het, het ek aanhou dink aan hoekom God nou eintlik vir my ‘n mede-erfgenaam met Jesus Christus gemaak het? Om ‘n mede-erfgenaam met Jesus Christus te wees is nie noodwendig ‘n prentjie wat baie van ons maklik kan vorm van onsself nie. Daar is eerder veel meer mense wie neig om hulself as benede so ‘n posisie te beskou. Al wat ek op die ou einde gesien het was die manifestering van God se heerlikheid…
|| Excerpt from Mede-Erfgename Met Christus
Narrated in Dutch by Adults
|| 5 Narrators & 2 Accents
We zijn niet alleen erfgenamen; wij zijn mede-erfgenamen met Jezus Christus; wat is er beter dan dat? Dat wil zeggen: wat Jezus Christus kan, kan ik ook, wat Jezus Christus bezit, bezit ik. Terwijl ik het boek doorwerkte, bleef ik nadenken over waarom God mij eigenlijk mede-erfgenaam van Jezus Christus maakte? Een mede-erfgenaam zijn met Jezus Christus is niet noodzakelijkerwijs een beeld dat velen van ons gemakkelijk van zichzelf kunnen vormen. Integendeel, er zijn veel meer mensen die geneigd zijn zichzelf als onder een dergelijke positie te beschouwen. Alles wat ik uiteindelijk zag, was de manifestatie van Gods heerlijkheid…
|| Translated excerpt from Mede-Erfgename Met Christus
Narrated in English by Children
|| 4 Narrators & 2 Accents
In the furthest part of the garden, at the very bottom of a tree, is a little hole. If you peek inside the little hole, you will find the strangest and the littlest creature that you have ever seen. He is bright blue, with bushy pink eyebrows. His eyes are bright blue but they are also different sizes too. He has a tail like a dragon and spikes on his head. He is the SPLOG . The SPLOG is very shy and also very lonely. He lives all alone in his hole, with no one to talk to, except his shadow…
|| Excerpt from The Splendiferous SPLOG
Narrators Available for the Top Languages Spoken Worldwide
(Ranked according to Wikipedia’s Top Languages Spoken By People Worldwide)
01. English (1.452 billion)
02. Mandarin (1.118 billion)
03. Hindi (602.2 million)
04. Spanish (548.3 million)
05. French (274.1 million)
06. Arabic (274.0 million)
07. Bengali (272.7 million)
08. Russian (258.2 million)
09. Portuguese (257.7 million)
10. Urdu (231.1 million)
11. Indonesian (199.0 million)
12. German (185.0 million)
13. Japanese (125.4 million)
14. Marathi (99.1 million)
15. Telugu (95.7 million)
16. Turkish (88.1 million)
17. Tamil (86.4 million)
18. Cantonese (85.6 million)
19. Vietnamese (85.3 million)
20. Korean (81.7 million)
21. Persian (77.4 million)
22. Swahili (71.4 million)
23. Javanese (68.3 million)
24. Italian (67.9 million)
25. Punjabi (66.4 million)
26. Kannada (64.0 million)
27. Gujarati (62.0 million)
28. Thai (60.7 million)
29. Yoruba (45.6 million)
30. Burmese (43.0 million)
31. Polish (40.6 million)
Narrators also available for these languages:
Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Filipino, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Kazakh, Khmer, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Malaysian, Maltese, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Pashto, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Ukrainian, Uzbek and Welsh.