Whenever someone was to be introduced to Cecilia Steyn, an interview had to be setup beforehand, and this was never to be done at Cecilia’s flat. Before meeting this person, Cecilia needed a full extensive breakdown of who this person was, what they did work-wise, and why they wanted to meet her. IF Cecilia approved, she then agreed to meeting with this person. The interview would almost always take place at the coffee shop, at the Netcare Hospital, which was across from Cecilia’s flat.
During the course of the interview, Cecilia would always make friendly chit-chat… at least, that is what it would look like to the new outsider. Cecilia would analyze the person, seeing if they would ultimately be beneficial to her in some way or other. Additionally, if the person seemed genuine, sincere, and gullible, then the likelihood of them being included into her friendship group became more likely. Ignorant people, with qualifications, were also deemed valuable to Cecilia, especially if they were advocates, doctors, psychologists, and so on. These people could be used to serve whatever purpose Cecilia needed them for, at any given point in time.
If the person was in need of help, and they were ignorant to occult practices, horror movies, and also did not have enough Biblical knowledge, they became the exception as well for being accepted by Cecilia. Cecilia would use these people in order to conduct her god-given authority, by praying over them and performing exorcisms. These people were used to display her power and her authority.
There were numerous interviews that had taken place, where Cecilia had left the meeting on a friendly note, but once she had gotten back to her flat, she would then outright and blatantly state that the person would not be allowed near her, nor should any member of her group be associated with them too. These people generally had at least some type of occult knowledge, or too much Biblical knowledge, which would then have deemed them as a risk in exposing Cecilia’s nonsense portrayals of occult practices and abilities. Others were simply just not gullible enough, so Cecilia would not have been able to easily fool them into her lies and again, this would risk her being exposed.

The Netcare Hospital
Burger Street, Krugersdorp
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.
~ Oscar Wilde
Since Cecilia Steyn portrayed herself to be a significantly powerful person, many in her friendship group, who highly admired her, tended to want to imitate her, simply, because they wanted to be like her. The more people who replicated her, the more the others tended to do the same automatically. Cecilia loved it when people would imitate her, replicating what she wore and the things she did. Ultimately, the people who did this would then gain more favor and acceptance from Cecilia.
Matching clothing was also a way of outwardly stating your dedication and association to Cecilia, and the group, to the outside world. Wearing coordinated clothing was a way to display commitment to one another.
However, if Cecilia could influence the way those in her friendship group dressed, and if they mirrored what she did, then it would then also boost her ego, as well as give her confirmation that she had managed to obtain some kind of control over them. Ultimately, this gave Cecilia a starting point into possibly being able to control a person even more.
This same concept applies to the tattoos among the group members as well. With Cecilia’s claims for being Chosen by God, the Biblical tattoos were used as representations for Cecilia’s claim and for her god-given ordained cause. With Cecilia’s claims for her occult and werewolf bloodline, tattoos of occult symbols and werewolves were used as well. Tattoos were seen as more solid form of a binding and irreversible dedication towards Cecilia.
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Know Your Enemy. Recruitment & Control. Part 1
A group formed for the SOLE intention of helping rescue occult victims, ultimately used to brainwash, control and to “do as told without question” … without Cecilia Steyn being able to be directly linked or held responsible IF and WHEN anything ever goes wrong.
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