Rock Bottom

ROCK BOTTOM A month and 1 day ago, my grandmother passed away. I will never forget the moment I found out. I cried so hard. I hit the walls saying,…


The Dating Game. What Gives?!

THE DATING GAME. WHAT GIVES?! This is one topic that I don’t think I’ll ever understand the “game plan” to. First of all, why is it a game? Why on…


Players. Why?

PLAYERS. WHY? I’ve spoken about one of my frequent questions of dating in another piece, but another topic I WILL NEVER see eye to eye on is “players”. Simply, “Whyyyyyy?!”…


Loyalty & Betrayal

LOYALTY & BETRAYAL Wow. Where do I begin and end on this topic? Let me try keep it short… or short enough, otherwise this is a book on it’s own.…
