Witnessing Cecilia Steyn’s Fool Proof Methods
This street, in Krugersdorp, was one that Cecilia Steyn had taken me to so many times during our supposed friendship. Little did I know was that I was watching the mastermind in action, carrying out just one of her fool proof methods that was ultimately one of the main things that kept us believing her lies about her horrid health status and supposed claims for being attacked by the occult.
Cecilia Steyn, No Pulse
Cecilia Steyn needed to control everyone and everything around her, and that even included her own body… to “do as told, without question or hesitation”… even if it meant she would end up killing herself. There was no extreme she would not go to, in order to get people to believe her lies.
Cecilia Steyn Caught Outside Of Her “Occult Boundaries”
Cecilia Steyn needed to control everyone and everything around her, and that even included her own body… to “do as told, without question or hesitation”… even if it meant she would end up killing herself. There was no extreme she would not go to, in order to get people to believe her lies.
The First Time Cecilia Steyn Threatened Me
Up until this point in my “friendship” with Cecilia Steyn, there had NEVER been a reason to be scared of her or even slightly worried, at the least. This was the first time Cecilia had made a threat towards me, all simply because I was confused… ultimately, because I wasn’t just “doing as told without question”. I don’t think I could ever accurately explain this moment; the fear and the icy cold shivers that ran down my spine; the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice; everything. Little did I know that I had witnessed a glimpse into the truth, at this moment. Little did I know that this was the moment that I needed to start fearing for my life.
* WARNING / SENSITIVE * Animals Victimized For Control
Please brace yourself if you listen to this! Cecilia Steyn’s sadistic methods and tactics for controlling her group, and anyone she met, REGULARLY involved victimizing animals… to gut wrenching extremes.
Astralling & Cecilia Steyn. Did She Kill My Cat? (Part 7)
With all the bizarre events regarding Cecilia Steyn and astralling… and with how Cecilia Steyn would victimize animals… and with the extremes Cecilia Steyn would go to in order to manipulate and control people… Was she the one who killed my cat? This event happened directly after I was becoming a “loose end” for Cecilia Steyn, where I started confronting her and she started retaliating to punish me.
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