The Plan That Backfired. My Escape
Of all the plans that Cecilia Steyn had successfully managed to carry out, this one plan completely backfired in her face. Completely unexpected. Complete chaotic confusion. Yet, my complete release from Cecilia Steyn’s control… which ultimately saved my life, without me even knowing it too. (Names removed for privacy purposes)
Why Ria Grunewald COULD NOT Escape Earlier
The truthful moment, between Ria and myself, about the lies Cecilia Steyn was leading us all to believe… leading to Cecilia becoming incredibly paranoid and violently threatening and, ultimately, escalating her drama and control over Ria… Ria was DESPERATE to break away and flee for her life, but she was trapped, with no means of escape… (Names removed for privacy purposes)
The Effects On Me After Leaving Cecilia Steyn (Part 1)
There are no words for describing the utter confusion and war on thoughts there is, when it still comes to accepting the REALITY of who Cecilia Steyn truly is versus how she portrayed herself as a person and as “my best friend”. It’s almost like going from saint to satan. The complete contrast is too extreme to still fathom.
A War Between Dreams vs Reality. Warnings About Cecilia Steyn
The non-stop warning dreams I had each time I slept, warning me about Cecilia Steyn… as well as with being constantly bombarded with all the nonsense from Cecilia, this nonsense also entered my dreams… A war began between my dreams vs reality… were dreams “reality” and reality “non-reality”?
Heart To Heart. Relating This Is FAR HARDER Than I Let People Realize
Record. Pause. Heart Racing. Tears welling up. Lump in my throat. Record. Pause. Sobbing my eyes out. Delete… Try again… Talking about all of these things regarding Cecilia Steyn is far harder for me than I let people realize.
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