Since being involved in the Krugersdorp Killer’s case, I have received countless overwhelming responses from so many people across the globe. I have honestly lost count of how many messages I have received.
Person after person sent incredibly supportive messages. They were overwhelming but these messages have helped spur me on so many times… especially in the times where I just wanted to give up and throw in the towel. The public helped me find the strength to carry on.
Family and friends of the victims reached out to me, telling me that I am helping them find closure with what I am doing. It gave me purpose and it helped me realize that I can still help people, even through their loss.
People who are still in hiding, fearing for their lives, reached out to me, and confiding in me… sharing a common trauma, paranoia, pain… but finding mutual comfort at the same time.
Person after person has shared many of their personal stories with me… stories that were both heart-breaking and amazing. All of them telling me that they have found strength from my story, to get through what they are going through… but in their own stories, that they shared with me, they helped me find the strength to get through what I was going through too.
The public has repeatedly called me a hero, but I am not. I am merely a person who was and is willing… brave and strong, no… just willing… in the words that I have highlighted, that is what the public has given to me. The public has given me strength, purpose, comfort and helped me realize that I am helping people, which has always been my core ambition in life. Realizing that, brought me to tears.
Yes, I have put my life on the line… literally… in order to help solve the case, to sentence the guilty and to help prevent more people from being harmed. But THIS is NOT about me. THIS is about US… ALL OF US. I have been willing… but all of you gave me strength, purpose and comfort through this journey. I am not a hero. I am just willing… and you helped me…
Related Podcasts
I Am Not A Hero
This is just something I thought I should say in response to the constant overwhelming and dumbfounding feedback I receive every day with regards to the Krugersdorp Killers. I am not strong. I am not brave. I am definitely not a hero.
Who Am I? (Part 1)
Even though this should be a seemingly easy topic to talk about, it wasn’t for me. But in trying to describe or explain who I am as a person, even briefly, I thought might help people understand why I ended up being Cecilia Steyn’s best friend. And, also, to possibly help people understand why I did what I did, how it effected me back then and even how it has effected me all these years later after as well.
Who Am I? (Part 2)
After so many messages and comments, since posting the podcasts, I started to see why people need/want to know more about who I am as a person, especially since I was connected to Cecilia Steyn and the rest of the Krugersdorp Killers.
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