Players. Why?

PLAYERS. WHY? I’ve spoken about one of my frequent questions of dating in another piece, but another topic I WILL NEVER see eye to eye on is “players”. Simply, “Whyyyyyy?!”…


Thoughts On Leviathan Walks

THOUGHTS ON LEVIATHAN WALKS As the months of 2020 passed me by, I had spent hours on end during lock-down revisiting the past I had once lived, all in order…


Loyalty & Betrayal

LOYALTY & BETRAYAL Wow. Where do I begin and end on this topic? Let me try keep it short… or short enough, otherwise this is a book on it’s own.…


Let’s Start

LET’S START After releasing my first poetry book, and the following few after, I received A LOT of feedback from people locally and across the globe; all thanking me for…
