The Lie With The MOST EXTREME Evidence
Of all the lies that Cecilia Steyn had ever told, this one was the MOST dramatic attempt that she had ever gone to, in trying to get people to believe all her lies. How could you not believe it? It was LEGITIMATELY REAL blood…
Cecilia Steyn, As A Mother (Part 1)
Watching Cecilia Steyn, as a “mother”, was both devastating and heartbreaking.
Cecilia Steyn, As A Mother. Her Daughter, The Wolf (Part 2)
From howling and growling… to walking on all fours and eating out of a bowl like an animal, I witnessed Cecilia Steyn train her daughter to be a wolf… after all, being a werewolf was in their bloodline.
Raped By Her Father, Through Her Husband
There was no limit to the extreme lies and vast amounts of evidence, from Cecilia Steyn, for the claims she had over her life and the things that happened to her… even her own family was used as a means to fool people… and even if it meant self-inflicted abuse too.
Photos Were Forbidden
You won’t find photos of Cecilia Steyn (and those from her group) from before they were arrested. There is only one reason but it is not a reason you could ever imagine… a “spiderweb link” of nonsense.
How Cecilia Steyn Ultimately Convinced Me
With all the weird and bizarre claims that Cecilia Steyn had over her past and her life, so many people find it hard to believe that a bunch of people could so easily be fooled into believing these things. This is how Cecilia ultimately convinced me into believing what she said about her past and her life was true…
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