Near Year. Reboot
NEW YEAR. REBOOT It’s finally 2021. New Year. Time for a reboot. 2020 brought many tremendous challenges for everyone. Most people are doubting and fearful of what 2021 will bring…
NEW YEAR. REBOOT It’s finally 2021. New Year. Time for a reboot. 2020 brought many tremendous challenges for everyone. Most people are doubting and fearful of what 2021 will bring…
IS IT TIME TO MOVE? My mind is busy today, yet often I find that I am thinking about nothing altogether as well. It’s just one of those days I…
WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN I am guilty! Lock me up and throw away the key! Like they say, “What goes up, must come down.” After two weeks of…
SHORTS, THE NEW DIAPER! Brace yourself for this new discovery! I don’t know why I have only thought of it now?! Shorts are… or can be… the new diaper! Yes,…
THERAPY OVERLOAD? All through my life, I have had several “go to” traits when it comes to sorting out what’s going on in my life or, mostly, sorting out my…
DID, THE NEW SUPERPOWER? Believe it or not, I have only started watching the “Heroes” TV Series now. Okay… so after the first few episodes, I started raising the question…
CONFESSIONS OF A NEW BLOGGER Not long into starting my blog, I started to feel like I was so opinionated, as a person, which is honestly not the case. I’m…
HOUSE MD & DID I started binge watching the series “House MD”, again. I love this series for numerous reasons: Sarcastic remarks and events from Dr House (Hugh Laurie), intense…
UNITED STATES OF TARA. WOW! Over the last few days, I have been binge watching the series “United States of Tara.” I don’t even know how many times I have…
“I WANT TO LOOK LIKE BARBIE!” Have you noticed how many women have ultimately resorted to aiming to be like Barbie lately? Fake lips, fake boobs, plastic surgery, botox, fake…
SPEECHLESS, WITH TOO MUCH TO SAY… Do you ever get those days where your mind is overwhelmed with seemingly endless things but you find yourself utterly speechless? Even mentally speechless?…